Preliminary medical examination

For your convenience, we have compiled packages of clinical and diagnostic tests necessary for a medical examination. Now you no longer need to travel around the city in search of the necessary research - all the necessary tests can be passed in one place

Кто мы?

Мы являемся крупнейшей и лидирующей организацией страны, на протяжении почти 100 лет обеспечивая санитарно-эпидемиологическое благополучие казахстанцев.

Conducting about 17 million laboratory tests annually, we are guaranteed to help you quickly get high-quality medical tests necessary to obtain a certificate for admission to work or study.

25 000

Корпоративных клиентов

99 лет

Опыта на рынке


Городских и районных отделений




Областных филиалов

Why Choose Us?

High-precision laboratories

All our laboratories comply with international standards and are equipped with modern equipment

Quality assurance

As a state-owned enterprise, we comply with all the necessary standards and procedures when conducting research

Acceptable prices

The cost for one medical research package starts from just 600 tenge

Our suggestions

  • Catering facilities workers
  • Workers in cream confectionery and children's dairy kitchens
  • Food industry workers
  • Workers of food trade facilities, persons involved in the transport of food products
  • Employees of seasonal children's and adolescent health organizations
  • Employees of preschool organizations, boarding schools, children's sanatorium year-round health improvement organizations, orphanages, employees of family-type homes
  • Conductors of passenger trains, stewards of river, sea transport and air transport
  • Workers of water supply facilities directly related to water preparation, persons serving water supply networks, workers of industrial laboratories, water supply and sewerage facilities
  • Workers of sanatoriums, rest homes, boarding houses, boarding schools and homes for the disabled and the elderly, medical and social workers at home
  • Service workers (baths, showers, saunas, hairdressers, laundries, dry cleaners, public toilets), employees of pools and hydropathic establishments, mud baths, sports and recreation organizations, managers, administrators, floor managers of hotels, motels, hostels, campgrounds
  • Employees of beauty salons, cosmetology and beauty parlors performing manipulations with violation of the integrity of the skin (manicure, pedicure, cosmetic services)
  • Employees of medical organizations, whose work is not associated with invasive procedures when undergoing periodic medical examination (with the exception of medical workers of maternity hospitals (departments), children's hospitals (departments), departments of pathology of newborns, departments of premature babies)
  • Employees of medical organizations, whose work is not associated with invasive procedures when undergoing a preliminary medical examination (with the exception of medical workers of maternity hospitals (departments), children's hospitals (departments), departments of pathology of newborns, departments of premature babies)
  • Medical workers performing invasive diagnostic and treatment procedures, as well as medical workers who have contact with biological material
  • Medical workers of maternity hospitals (departments), children's hospitals (departments), departments of pathology of newborns, departments of premature babies
  • Junior personnel of medical organizations who have contact with biological material

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Наши сертификаты

Preliminary medical examination

When applying for a job or study, find out the suitability for the duties of the profession or study