Production control

We are the only organization in Kazakhstan that has the ability to conduct all types of research on Production Control

Кто мы?

Мы являемся крупнейшей и лидирующей организацией страны, на протяжении почти 100 лет обеспечивая санитарно-эпидемиологическое благополучие казахстанцев.

Ежегодно проводя около 17 миллионов лабораторных исследований, мы гарантированно поможем Вам выявить инфекционные и не инфекционные заболевания. Наши эксперты, также помогут оперативно определить состав, безопасность и качество практически любых пищевых продуктов и веществ.

25 000

Корпоративных клиентов

103 лет

Опыта на рынке


Городских и районных отделений

20 000

Обработанных очегов в год




Областных филиалов

Why Choose Us?

Quality assurance

As a government-owned enterprise, we follow all the required research guidelines and procedures.

Accredited laboratories

All our laboratories have the necessary permits and certificates

Qualified staff

The specialists of our company are well aware of the specifics of enterprises in various fields of activity and are versed in the peculiarities of the production technology of a particular product.

Acceptable prices

Prices start from 270 tenge per study


Comprehensive laboratory research and measurements

Assessment of risk factors and control of safety at work

Bacteriological and sanitary-chemical assessment of all types of food products

Laboratory tests for medical examination

Hygiene training for employees

У вас остались вопросы?

Позвоните нам и наши специалисты ответят на ваши вопросы и помогут прояснить детали

Call-центр: 8 (7172) 58-85-55

Your benefits

Identification and elimination of risks at work

Exemption from administrative punishments (from 40 to 2000 MCR.)

Improving the safety and efficiency of your organization

Preventing outbreaks of infectious diseases

Increasing the loyalty of supervisory authorities, public organizations and employees of the organization

Production control is a mandatory procedure for producers of goods and services (!)

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are obliged to carry out production control in accordance with their activities in accordance with subparagraph 4) of paragraph 4 of Article 90 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 18, 2009 No. 193-IV "On public health and the health care system"

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Наши сертификаты

Production control

We are the only organization in Kazakhstan that has the ability to conduct all types of research on Production Control