Мы являемся крупнейшей и лидирующей организацией страны, на протяжении почти 100 лет обеспечивая санитарно-эпидемиологическое благополучие казахстанцев.
Teaching about 2,000 specialists annually, we will help you get quality education and improve your qualifications. Classes are conducted by experienced specialists with many years of experience from among the employees of the central office and branches
Корпоративных клиентов
Опыта на рынке
Городских и районных отделений
Trained staff
Областных филиалов
The specialists of our company know well the specifics of enterprises in various fields of activity and have a long teaching experience
As a state enterprise, we strictly monitor the accuracy and relevance of the information taught.
Availability of strategic partnership with leading foreign organizations and constant exchange of experience.
Seminars and advanced training courses can be taken in person or remotely
More than 50 courses and seminars in 7 areas
Quality education from experienced professionals
Prestigious and RK-compliant certificates
Improving the safety and efficiency of your organization
АО «Транснациональная компания «Казхром»
Burger King
АО "Эфес Казахстан"
Magnum Cash & Carry
TOO "Премиум Ойл Транс"
ТОО «Корпорация Казахмыс»
КДЛ «Олимп»
АО "КазТрансОйл"
АО "КазМунайГаз"
АО «АрселорМиттал»