FAQ национального центра экспертизы

1. What is the sanitary-epidemiological examination? 

Sanitary-epidemiological expertise – a complex of organoleptic, sanitary-hygienic, epidemiological, microbiological, virological, parasitological, sanitary-chemical, biochemical, Toxicological, radiological, radiometric, dosimetric measurements of physical factors, other studies and tests, and also examination of projects in order to assess compliance of projects, products, objects of entrepreneurial and (or) other activities the normative legal acts in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of population and hygienic standards. 

2. In some cases, services for the laboratory research and measurements you can get for free? 

Sanitary-epidemiological examination, appointed within the competences of the state bodies and organizations in the sphere of sanitary-epidemiological well-being, in accordance with the regulations and instructions of officials of the sanitary-epidemiological service, customs authorities and statements of individuals and legal entities in the manner determined by the state body in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, shall be held in scope of the state order. 

3. On the basis of a legislative act services for the laboratory research and measurements are for a fee? 

According to paragraph 5 of article 61 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On health of nation and healthcare system" - to carry out sanitary-epidemiological expertise on the applications (the initiative petitions) of individuals and legal entities financing provided by them.

4. In some cases, not carried out sanitary-epidemiological examination? 

According to paragraph 6 of article 61 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On health of nation and healthcare system" sanitary-epidemiological examination is not conducted in the case of unfit food products and food raw materials.

5. Are there laboratory studies on the Technical regulations of the Customs Union? 

In implementation implemented 35 Technical regulations of the Customs Union, in which tests are performed on the 1190 performance. 6. Products and goods imported to Kazakhstan, are examination for health safety of the population? Examination of goods and products imported into the territory of the Customs Union through the Republic of Kazakhstan to obtain the certificate of state registration (SGR) is held in the RSE on PVC "national center experts" in Astana and Almaty.