Is there chemistry? checked the capital's watermelons for nitrates
Есть ли химия? проверил столичные арбузы на нитраты 04.08.2023

The watermelon season is in full swing, which means the issue of nitrate content in this giant berry remains relevant. conducted an experiment by delivering watermelons to the National Center of Expertise from different points in the capital: a supermarket, a market and a convenience store.

In the capital branch of the National Center of Expertise of the Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, they can easily test both watermelons, vegetables and fruits for nitart content. In total, the list includes dozens of species.

Kazakhstan Astana watermelons

After the editorial watermelons were delivered to the laboratory, they were thoroughly washed and dried. Next they are cut in half. Laboratory staff check watermelons for nitrate content using special express strips. By the way, only a whole, untouched watermelon can be checked. If you bring a piece or half, they will not accept it.

Kazakhstan Astana watermelons

Akmaral Narmuratova, a doctor at the sanitary and hygienic laboratory, told us what the consequences of consuming foods high in nitrates can lead to.

“Nitrates are fertilizers so that the watermelon ripens and acquires color. Nitrates in themselves are not dangerous. It is dangerous when a large amount of them enters the body. In this case, when they enter the body, they turn into nitrites. These are already carcinogens, which have endogenous properties. Therefore, the risk of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, oxygen starvation, the gastrointestinal tract suffers very deeply, including from diarrhea, is especially dangerous for human health. This is why the intake of large amounts of nitrates into the body is dangerous . "
Akmaral Narmuratova

Kazakhstan Astana watermelons

According to her information, the maximum permissible level of nitrates in watermelon is 60 mg per kilogram.

Employees make an incision into which the express strip is inserted. When determining the result, a color scale is used.

Kazakhstan Astana watermelons

Kazakhstan Astana watermelons

“The amount of nitrates is determined by a scale with colors. We see that here we have within 10 mg per kg. The permissible dose is 60 mg per kg. That is, watermelons are suitable for consumption. You can eat them.”
Akmaral Narmuratova

It turned out that all three watermelons purchased at the market, in a convenience store and in a supermarket were safe for consumption, which is good news. However, such results do not always come out.

“There were cases when the level reached 100 mg per kg. Literally a month ago we carried out a campaign, then we encountered such watermelons and melons with excess nitrates”
Akmaral Narmuratova

Kazakhstan Astana watermelons

She noted that both legal entities and individuals can apply for this service on a contractual basis. However, the latter are used very rarely, with the exception of very scrupulous watermelon buyers. 

“After the study, we issue an official document - a protocol, a conclusion, which reflects all the standards and the detected concentration. But in order to present something to the seller, the buyer must have a receipt.”
Akmaral Narmuratova

In the markets, according to her, there are local doctors who must check with special devices - express nitrate meters - before allowing melons to enter the market. 

“It is impossible to determine the nitrate content in watermelon by eye. For this you need a device or such express strips. There are no obvious signs”
Akmaral Narmuratova

Basically, legal entities apply to the laboratory of the National Center of Expertise to examine watermelons for the purpose of production control, which is carried out once a quarter or once every six months. 

“Not only watermelons are tested in the laboratory, but also vegetables and fruits. The most popular ones are tested - potatoes, carrots, onions, beets. We can check the entire list for nitrates. Each product has its own permissible dose. Other food products are also checked calorie content, and the quality of heat treatment - these are already finished products. Individual entrepreneurs, limited liability partnerships - kindergartens, schools, restaurants, cafes often apply"
Akmaral Narmuratova

Kazakhstan Astana National Center of Expertise

Akmaral Narmuratova could not agree with the statement that now all vegetables and fruits are stuffed with chemicals. Her practical experience shows the opposite.

“In our experience, out of a total of 400 studies, there may be 10 identified products that exceed permissible standards. This is a small number . ”
Akmaral Narmuratova

The Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Expertise of the Medical Center of the UDP of the Republic of Kazakhstan  told how to protect yourself from watermelon poisoning. The UDP advises purchasing watermelons from reliable and trusted sellers and avoiding purchases near busy highways, where exhaust gases can settle on the surface of the berries.
